Monday, December 5, 2011

Can a FB Business Page have a Stalker?

I ask this question because I would love to know your opinion about this.

One of my clients is a LOCAL prestige brand - where you can ONLY purchase locally. It seems that no matter what I post on their page, one specific person (who lives in the midwest somewhere) either likes or comments - or even both. It does seem odd, but I wonder if it even really matters. And, sometimes it even gets a bit annoying!

Does your business or brand have any over-enthusiastic fanatics? What are your thoughts?

Monday, November 28, 2011

My playlist and hobbies

It's time for Ovaleye (web hosting provider) Biz Blog 3 for 5 Challenge - and I've decided to participate to get this blog moving in a forward direction. So, twice every week, Ovaleye is sending me (and others) blog prompts - three for "Behind the Scenes" and three for "Expert Status".

I am going to see where this takes me, but I hope in the next month you will get to know me and what I am good at.

Are there things you would like to know? Today, I am going to share from the personal side.

When I am in my office, I fire up Pandora and have created a Depeche Mode playlist. Then Pandora delivers me happiness in late 80's tunes from Depeche Mode, Duran Duran, The Cure, Pet Shop Boys, Tears for Fears, etc. Every song makes me smile!

My two other favorite artists are Nicole Nordeman and Casting Crowns. They are the only two artists where I own all of their music!

As far as hobbies are concerned, I love to sing! Singing in the shower, the car, at church! If I have the opportunity - I am going to sing. I actually annoy my daughter because we will be playing Scrabble - and when I find a word in my tiles, I inevitably start singing a song with that word in it.

The other activity I love is Drum and Bugle Corps! If you aren't familiar with what that is, it's like Marching Band on steroids! Specifically, I work with the Cascades Drum and Bugle Corps from Seattle, WA. This corps has taken me on many a journey, whether that was trips to Denver, Florida or California to see them live, or taking a two week family vacation and going on tour selling souvenirs.

We now often spends weekends in Yakima with the corps and I am "fundraising chair" for this great group!

Tell me about your playlist and hobbies. I would love to know more about you as well!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Sometimes a transformation can look like someone losing weight and getting fit, sometimes it a color makeover, but sometimes it can be something as simple as a tweak in the way you think about things.

The theme for SIC:// is Transformations and yesterday, many were transformed in a very serious way .Thanks to the great artist and folks at Spring Creek Group. ( They transformed a number of attendees into their fantasy – from the rockstar, to the cape wearing superhero. This is the one of me – a double fisted, cell phone wielding Social Media superhero!

But, transformations don’t have to be quite that drastic.

For me, after hearing from Stefan Weitz at Bing, one of the simple things I might change is using Bing a bit more often, because of the relationship between Facebook and Bing.

The other thing that was obvious yesterday is it isn’t all about the presentations, but sometimes even more beneficial are the chance meetings in between. From the fantastic gals I met from Woot. ( or the employee from the Microsoft Store who told me to come in to the store and he will give me his “Friends and Family” discount. SCORE!

Did you have any moments? Get new information? What changes might you implement in your business as a result of what you learned?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Problem with "Like Exchanges"

When I first started my business, I too was lured by the power of the like...

  1. How many people like my page today?
  2. How come my friends won't like my page?
  3. How come my number isn't going up faster?

So, I joined some like may have seen them on Facebook and LinkedIn especially. The idea is that you post your facebook page and everyone there should come to your page and click "like." And, you should do the same.

What a brilliant idea! Or NOT!

The problem with these exchanges are numerous.

  • It's not about the number of "likes". If you are just looking for numbers, I guess a purpose is served, but if what you are really looking for is potential connections/referral partners and customers - you won't find them in the "like exchange".
  • It messes up the look of your business page wall. One of the benefits of liking back and forth is that each posts on theh others walls. It looks like spam and it doesn't allow you to keep control of your brand.
  • The success of a facebook business page relies heavily on engagement. People who participate in like exchanges are just there for the like - and may never communicate with you or your page again.
It is worth the time to let your fan number grow organically. When you take the time - add value, communicate with your fans, and engage - the results will be worth the effort.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The fine line between overwhelmed and inspired

These days, I am much more selective about the events I attend. There are so many great options in the Seattle area and I tend to overdo. (I know I'm not alone on that one.)

This week, I attended two events specifically that had me feeling on that line between overwhelmed and inspired.

The first was a Social Media Club event about moms and blogging. Such fantastic information, amazing people to meet and a HUGE to do list when I left.

Friday was my weekly meeting with BizEnrich where one of the members did a presentation about SEO, a very basic presentation, but one that still left me feeling like I need to do more.

How do you deal with those feelings of just too much to do? I want to stay inspired, but hate the feeling that I just have so much more to do.

I would love to know your thoughts...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

5 Ways to Add Value to your Social Media...

Imagine this. You go to a party, an ordinary social function and you see “that girl”. The one you would rather avoid because she absolutely never stops selling. Everything that comes out of her mouth has something to do with how she can solve all your problems with her product. Annoying, right? Don’t you avoid her at all costs?

Well, try thinking of facebook as a party.

Just like that real life party – if you never stop selling, it will change the way people view your business (or choose not to) online.

When you are at a party, meeting people, you actively contribute to the conversation with useful information. You don’t walk around telling everyone to buy from you, buy from you, buy from you. So, why is it that so many people do that on Social Media? I am guessing it’s because that is all they know. I would like to help in changing that.

I worked with a client last week who paid me the best compliment. Not only did he say that I did a good job with the work I provided, but that I “added value” to his site.

With that, I thought I would provide 5 simple ways that you can add value to your Social Media experience. And, when you add value, you will gain more fans and followers!

1. Provide relevant, timely information. Like it or not, over 1 million people spend time on facebook everyday. If you can provide articles, videos and links that help them, they will continue to come back. For example, you are a catering company and it’s just after Thanksgiving. Maybe you could find an article that gives interesting uses for leftover turkey. Or you are a dog care company and can provide tips for keeping your pets healthy and safe during whatever season we are in.

2. Be a part of the conversation. I am all for tools that make social media easier and less time consuming, but if we go back to the cocktail party analogy, they don’t really provide for conversation. It’s most definitely a two way street. If you aren’t active on facebook itself, your “fans” will notice and realize you are only there to sell, which could be a huge turn off.

3. Promote other people’s businesses. What a great way to promote your power partnerships and the people you recommend. This makes you valuable as a “go-to” guy or gal. It will create the assurance that if someone needs something, even if it isn’t related to your business, you will know someone and be able to refer them to someone you know and trust.

4. Don’t sell all the time. I think this point speaks for itself. No one likes anyone who doesn’t stop selling, and if all you ever do is talk about you and your product, “fans” will un-like your page or hide it from their feed. Either result takes you out of their “top of mind”.

5. Keep the conversation going offline. Social media is just that…social. When you create relationships through online venues, be sure to take them off the computer. Meet for coffee or lunch. Get to know one another and how you might each help one another.

What are some other things you have observed?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

What do you want to know?

My daily Facebook frolicking and Twitter trolling gives me lots of blog fodder. And, I am well aware that I have many thoughts and opinions that I would love to talk about. But, more than that, I would like to know what you need help with - what you would like to know more about. I post lots of short tips and tricks on my facebook page if you would like to stay up-to-date there. I also post some great, relevant articles from other reputable sources.

Would you like to know how social media can help YOUR particular industry? What else would you like to read about? Post your comments here and we can keep the discussion going!

Here's to more connections, followers and fans!