When I first started my business, I too was lured by the power of the like...
- How many people like my page today?
- How come my friends won't like my page?
- How come my number isn't going up faster?
So, I joined some like exchanges...you may have seen them on Facebook and LinkedIn especially. The idea is that you post your facebook page and everyone there should come to your page and click "like." And, you should do the same.
What a brilliant idea! Or NOT!
The problem with these exchanges are numerous.
- It's not about the number of "likes". If you are just looking for numbers, I guess a purpose is served, but if what you are really looking for is potential connections/referral partners and customers - you won't find them in the "like exchange".
- It messes up the look of your business page wall. One of the benefits of liking back and forth is that each posts on theh others walls. It looks like spam and it doesn't allow you to keep control of your brand.
- The success of a facebook business page relies heavily on engagement. People who participate in like exchanges are just there for the like - and may never communicate with you or your page again.
It is worth the time to let your fan number grow organically. When you take the time - add value, communicate with your fans, and engage - the results will be worth the effort.